9043 Bras

By Emma Atkinson on 12 January 2025

A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT...... We have now reached 9043 BRAS.... WHOOP WHOOP 🤩🤩 I helped someone out who had collected 3000 Bras so that has hugely increased my total 🤩 They are now all counted, boxed up (thanks for all the box & masking tape donations), labelled & ready to be collected & sent off to the Charity this week January is all about decluttering & sorting out & we also recycle & help the environment too, so please donate them to the AGAINST BREAST CANCER CHARITY 💜 Any condition & any type of bra 🩷 They either get recycled or sent off to people who need them BIG BIG THANKS 🤩🤩🤩 Keep donating guys, it's an ongoing project 👍 FITOLOGY STUDIO IPSWICH IP3 9FF Behind B&Q 🩷 Pink crate outside the studio or you can drop off at my house on Ravenswood if easier #breastcancerawareness #breastcancer #recycle #bras #ipswich #ip3 #ipswichsuffolk #masterlordestatesipswich #fitologystudio #cancersurvivor #cancer #cancersucks #cancerawareness