Tayberry Place Therapies

Timeout for you to recharge & get away from the outside world for a short time

Treatments available :

* Auricular Acupuncture (Ear) *
The NADA treatment model follows the five-point training protocol
The process involves the gentle insertion of up to five fine, single use, sterilised, stainless steel disposable needles into specific energetic points in the outer ear

The five ear points:
(1)  Sympathetic – calms the nervous system and helps with overall relaxation
(2)  Shen Men / “Spirit Gate” – reduces anxiety and nervousness
(3)  Kidney Point – for calming fears and healing internal organs
(4)  Liver Point – for detoxification, blood purification, and to quell aggression
(5)  Lung Point – promotes aeration and helps clients let go of grief

The outer ear acts like a switchboard that sends impulses to the brain, which stimulate the release of endorphins, lowers stress and induces relaxation.

The NADA-system is most suited to group settings. An NADA Practioner will insert up to five needles in each ear for up a minimum of 30 minutes while clients sit in a relaxed atmosphere. During this time the client may fall asleep, experience a meditative state or just feel calm and relaxed
ln the 1970’s the NADA protocol was developed to help addicts with their recovery dealing with trauma, anxiety, depression, irritability and cravings. Since then NADA protocol has been found effective for a wide range of conditions

Group Acupuncture is simple and effective. lndividuals simply come in and experience the benefits of the acupuncture
Auricular Acupuncture can also help : Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Weight Loss, Insomnia and many more ailments and conditions including Parkinson’s, Fibromyalgia and Arthritis

* Weight Management Auricular Acupuncture *
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese method used to relieve some health conditions and symptoms, such as pain
Auricular Acupuncture is a complementary therapy used to control appetite and aid weight management.  It helps changes in feeding behaviour and in the levels of several appetite-related hormones
The ear, in particular, has acupuncture points that can influence appetite, metabolism, digestion, and stress levels in stimulating these ear points
Auricular Acupuncture has a positive effect by curbing cravings and appetite, improving digestion, and boosting metabolism
“In Japan, this method to aid weight loss has been used for over 30 years.”
Here are some feedback :
"I feel more relaxed about food. It's not something I need. It's not a crutch anymore"  Jennifer Young Training School
 "I am now in size 16 clothes, or some fourteens, before I was in 22/24 clothing" Jennifer Young Training School
 “I followed a low calorie diet and exercised before; the only thing that changed this time was the addition of the Acupuncture and the weight has stayed off” Jennifer Young Training School
How many times have you changed your eating habits but have returned to the size you were before – the mind was not changed – time to press the reset button for a healthier and happier life
This energy is thought to travel along invisible pathways, known as meridians, that are found throughout the body - including the ears, as a result, a blocked or disrupted flow of qi (energy) can have a negative effect on physical and mental health, thin needles are therefore placed on certain points along meridian lines, to restore the flow of qi by resolving any blockages or disruption
The Ear is a map of your body, similar to Reflexology with hands and feet being a diagram of your body – the ear is an upside down Foetus
The outer ear acts like a switchboard that sends impulses to the brain, which stimulate the release of endorphins, lowers stress and induces relaxation
The Weight Management Auricular Acupuncture Treatment Package will consist of 1 treatment a week for 6 weeks
The treatment will last for 1 hour 
Please contact me for pricing, to book the package, and to arrange your first appointment

* Battlefield Acupuncture *
Developed to provide fast pain relief on the battlefield when the use of pain medications wasn’t advisable, battlefield acupuncture is being used in civilian life to treat chronic pain, including low back pain, headaches, arthritis, fibromyalgia and joint pain
Battlefield Acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine. Auricular acupuncture, a technique using points in the ear, has been practiced for thousands of years, the entire body is represented in the ear
In 2001, retired U.S. Air Force Col. Dr. Richard C. Niemtzow developed battlefield acupuncture to quickly relieve pain in American Air Force pilots. Being unable to take medication while flying, these servicemen had the choice of either suffering their aches and pains, or not working so they could take medication. Results of Battlefield Acupuncture are often significant and long-lasting. The practice was adopted by the Department of Defense and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and the agencies have since trained thousands of clinicians to provide battlefield acupuncture for chronic pain relief
Unlike traditional acupuncture, which typically uses dozens of needles placed at various points along the body, Battlefield Acupuncture uses up to five needles placed only on the surface of the ear
So why is this so effective? Research carried out in Korea using MRI scans, has shown a reduction in the size of the active pain receptor areas in the brain, after the insertion of the needles. So it would appear that these ear points have the ability to block pain reception and over time maintain this reduction in size of pain reception areas in the brain. This corresponds with patients’ reported reductions in pain.
The body eventually develops a tolerance to medication, so the same amount of medication no longer has the desired effect, the options are to increase dose, change medication or use other forms of pain management 

* Acu Circle Group Sessions NADA Treament £20 Investment in You
* Individual NADA 5 Point £30*
currently £20 August 2024
* Battlefield Treatment for Pain £30* currently £20 August 2024
* Individual tailored treatments £40 a treatment* currently £30 August 2024
* Weight Management Auricular Acupuncture 6 week course - please get in contact for more information

My Treatment Room is at my home on Ravenswood
First Floor Room

Auricular Acupuncture treatments to take place at Fitology Studio