
By Emma Atkinson on 25 February 2024

๐Ÿ’œ CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL SOUND BATH GROUP CLASSES ๐Ÿ’œ 'calms the body & mind with the soothing sounds & vibration' ๐Ÿงก Creates better Sleep ๐Ÿงก Lowers your Blood Pressure ๐Ÿงก Allows your body to move away from pain ๐Ÿงก Enhances immunity ๐Ÿงก Calms the mind & reduces anxiety ๐Ÿงก Restores emotional balance The Sound of the Crystal Singing Bowls allows your mind to drift into deep rest, a sound massage for the body & mind ๐Ÿ’™ Sunday 3rd March at 11am ๐Ÿ’™ Encourages the body to heal & the mind to be still FITOLOGY STUDIO IPSWICH IP3 9FF Behind B&Q ๐Ÿ’š Book your space via the website - limited spaces #soundbath #soundbowls #meditation #wellbeing #wellness #recharge #refresh #timeout #fitologystudio #ipswich #ip3 #ipswichsuffolk #masterlordestatesipswich #soundhealing #soundtherapy #healing #singingbowls #selfcare #energyhealing #crystalsingingbowls #relaxation #chakras #energy #mindfullness #holistictherapy #holistichealth